Why do Plastic Surgeons Study Facial Symmetry?

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There's No Place Like HomeSymmetry of the Human Face Drawing Class Activity
No face has perfect mathematical symmetry!

...but plastic surgeons study facial symmetry to help them reconstruct faces. Why do you think this is?

It is thought that as a face gets closer to symmetrical more people think it is beautiful.
Elementary Art Lesson pic
Elementary Art Lesson pic
These artworks by photocopying our photographs, cutting them in half
then turning the picture upside down and attempting to copy all the lines and
shades we could see.
Elementary Art Lesson pic
Elementary Art Lesson pic
Art Challenge for Drawing Class - Use a digital camera to take a close up picture of a friend. Print it out, cut it in half down the line of symmetry, turn the picture upside down and try to draw the other side of their face. It really is heaps of fun to see what you produce.