Math Game for Tenths and Hundredths

What You Need:
- MAB Blocks
- A Set of Game Boards & Numeral Cards
- 2 die
How to Play
' Win a Whole' :
Students sit in
a small circle with one game board and a collection of MAB in the
centre. Each child takes a turn to throw the two dice (if a die goes
off the board the throw is not counted). The total on the dice tells
the players how many shorts (hundredths) they may take from the "bank"
in the centre. When they have ten shorts they must trade them for
a long (1 tenth). When they have ten longs they trade them for a flat
(a whole or one). The first player with a flat wins the game.

Blocks - a whole, tenths and hundredths

to Play ' Win a Lose a Whole' :
as above you just start with a whole and subtract the numbers
shown by the dice. First person with no MAB left is the winner.
child has a set of the numeral cards laid out in piles above
the board. Each child labels each column on each throw of
the dice with the numeral cards and reads the decimal to the
NB When storing these games I place 1 board and a set
of numerals in a plastic bag with a seal.
click on the File Type you Need and choose 'save target as'
then Print & Play