printable math game offers heaps of 'teachable moments' to discuss:
addition strategies, subtraction strategies, estimation, place
value and numeration. Print it out and have fun!
You Need:
2 players
- 2 place value charts
- 1 deck of 'numeral' cards
- 1 deck of 'closest to...' cards
- 1 piece of paper for a tally sheet
- 1 pencil
- 2 calculators (optional)
In order that the game progress efficiently one player must
look after the numeral cards while the other player looks after
the 'closest number pile' & the tally sheet.
to Play:
Players sit facing each other each with a place value chart in front
of them.
Place the 'numeral cards' and the 'closest number to...' cards in
two piles face down between the two boards.
One player turns over a card from 'closest number' pile and reads
it. This becomes the goal number.
Players take turns to select a card from the top of the 'numerals'
pile and place them on the place value chart so as to have the best
chance at getting closest to the goal number.
Once each player has placed a numeral in the Hundreds, Tens and Units
column the students calculate the difference between their number
and the goal number. The person who is 'closest' to the goal number
receives a point.
The winner of the game is determined by the first person to five tally
NB this game has had a MAJOR remake since its debut in 2004. Check it out here.
Number Math Game