Maths Lessons - Roman Numerals - Romulus & Remus - A Math Lesson on the Founding of Rome

Roman Numerals Romulus & Remus, Founding of Rome

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So Why Do We Study Roman Numerals?

As with many great 'beginnings' there is a mythical tale surrounding the founding of Rome.

The story begins when the Roman God of War Mars had twin sons to the priestess Rhea Silvia. This displeased the evil king of the day and he had Rhea Silvia imprisoned. The evil king then ordered a slave to kill the children.

The kindly slave could not bring himself to kill the infants so he set them adrift in a basket on the river Tiber. Downstream the children were found by a 'she wolf' who had just lost her cubs. The wolf rescued the boys from the river and suckled them. Soon after this a shepherd named Faustulus took the boys home and raised them as his own.

Romulous & Remus

When the boys grew up they went on to found a new city. Romulus then killed Remus in an argument over what the new city should be named. Romulus then named the city Rome after himself and went on to be the city's first king.

Over the next M years or so Rome became a major super power. It took its language, numbers and ways of doing things all over the known world. As a result, some of these things are still evident in our society today e.g. roads, sewerage systems and roman numerals.

So we learn to read and write roman numerals because our society still uses them occassionally.

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Roman Numerals Subtractive Principle

Roman Numerals


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