Highest Mountains & Lowest Canyons - Mathematics Lesson using Roman Numerals

Roman Numerals Measurement Lesson

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The Highest Mountains & the Lowest Canyons

Here are some of the highest and lowest points in the Solar System. Research what they are, where they are and how hiigh or low they are.

Then put them in order of deepest to highest and label them using Roman Numerals for the measurments.

i. Olympus Mons -

ii. Valles Marineris -

iii. Marianas Trench -

iv. Mt Everest -

v. Grand Canyon -

Include in your research any interesting facts you think you classmates might find interesting eg Mars was the Roman god of war. 'Like a badge of blood in the sky, the Red Planet has long stood for the gods of war'



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Roman Numerals Lesson

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Roman Numerals Lesson

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