Math Blaster Software - Yes it is Drill Software But How Can you Use it Well?

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Math Game Homepage -- MAth Blaster Video Game Software


Math Blaster  Title Pic

Whilst the Math Blaster has been relegated to history some of these tips are very good for assessing any math software.

Math Blaster Video Game

1. Discuss and demonstrate how ineffective counting on fingers is. NB point out that it is an excellent strategy, it is just really slow.

2. Discuss & practise mental strategies that lead to automacy (See it Say it) e.g. in Addition - Doubles, Doubles plus One, Doubles plus Two, Facts to 10

3. Have them work in pairs on the computer and discuss strategies as they play the game.

4. Use an egg timer set to half the session time so each gets a turn on the mouse.

5. Ensure they are playing an appropriate level. Often they will fire it up at Addition Level One while you are not looking. "Challenge Yourself to Work at the Edge of Your Learning!"

6. Make sure they are playing full missions and not just practise mode to shoot the rocks.

7. Talk to them about strategies you would use if you were playing the game.

8. Play the game on a data projector and discuss strategies as a class.

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